The crab's
thought (December 2000 - incomplete translation from Italian) What the crab thinks in his hole-garden.
After the last news about the environment disaster, the
Crab, which doesn't like to die boiled, thinks any new Constitution - for
example the future United Europe Constitution - must have as its main objective
to save our Planet. But this should be the same intent of every human document:
from any technical project to any commercial or trade-union contract, from
any Company constitution to any joint ownership statute. "The joint ownership
assembly declares its will to rescue the Earth...". Do you think this speach
is ridiculous? The Crab doesn't think so. And the steps to save what is possible
must be few and drastic. You must stop any development producing pollution
and Earth temperature increase, and promote only developments compatible
with the Nature survival and rebuilding. The Crab means you must stop using
uterus substitutes like cars and aircrafts.