The crab's
thought (May 2000) What the crab thinks in his hole-garden.
Were the last italian region elections a true earthquake
or a true revolution? The number of the votes don't confirm that first
impression: the Center-Right alliance is only a little bigger than the
Center-Left alliance. This isn't a news. In our past years the votes at the
administrative elections had reasons different than the reasons moving votes
in the politic elections. But nowaday, after the last reform, the regional
elections are more political than administrative. Then, if the Right will
reach to realize its 'devolution' program, the political meaning of the region
elections will be higher. Nowaday also the region 'governors' like the town
mayors are elected by the citizens. But my vote is for the ideas not for
the person. Star-system is hateful in any case, but it's idiculous and
inopportune in politics. I must accept the actual inevitable opposition between
two blocs, but I would like it were between the will to release governmental
enterprises to private people and the opposite will to maintain inalienable
public services; between the free trade and a severe public direction of
economy; between the more or less according to one's deserts aristocracy
and the claim of a dignified life for any citizen; between the will to privately
use all the tchnology and the opposite will to extend all tcnology benefits
to all people; between the unrestrained exploitation of the environment resources
and the environment respect; between the arrogance of people priding themself
on their reached advances and the quiet exercising of his rights by every
citizen. All this is what I would like, but, in this case, my bloc would
be composed by me and four other people and so it would have no chance to
win at the elections. So the confusion between the programs of the two blocs
is mandatory, and so the incomprehension between the common people and the
political class is always higher.