Constitution of the planet Saudar 1. Every living being is sacred and inviolable, with bounds stated by surviving needs. All the planet species are described in the official publication foreseen by the Law. (1) Every any species individual, in any way born, has the right to continue his life in the environment he chose. 2. The any [intelligent] (2)species individuals are, by nature, Universe citizens. They have the same rights and the same duties. 3. The Felpa and Wariti People is sovereign in the planet Saudar. He chose a democratic republican regulation for himself. They named it Civilization. 4. Suffering is outlawed in the planet Saudar. The Civilization must avoid any suffering to its citizens. (3) 5. Every citizen can do what he wants, but can't objectively disturb any other citizen. The Civilization punishs any people troubling other people. The Law states when and how a toubling is objective.(4) 6. Every citizen has the right to be medically treated and cured if he falls ill or he is wounded. The Civilization must set up and maintain the public soundness. (5) 7. Every citizen has the right to eat and drink enough. The Civilization must feed its citizens. (6) 8. Every citizen has the right to wear clothes good for every season. The Civilization must clothe its citizens. (7) 9. Every citizen has the right to inhabit and sleep in an enough wide, airy and confortable house. The Civilization must give a confortable house to its citizens. (8) 10. Every citizen has the right to move himself when he wants to any accessible part of the Universe. The Civilization must supply its citizens with no polluting vehicles in order to protect their free traffic. 11. Every citizen has the right to be informed on everything. The Civilization supports and protects the free public information. (9) 12. Every citizen has the right to freely express his opinions on every topic with any allowable way. The Civilization assures opinion, thought, printing and transmission through the net freedom. 13. Every citizen has the right to meet anybody when and where he wants. The Civilization organizes locations where the people can meet other people. 14. Every citizen has the right to practise any kind of sexual activity and to reproduce with the bounds imposed by the necessary birth control. The Civilization protects sex freedom and the demographic balance among all the living species. 15. Every citizen has the right-duty to do one or more activities contributing to public useful actions and to the material and spiritual planet growth. The Civilization must organize any kind ov activity on the planet, in order to avoid healthy people could be unemployed. (10) 16. The Saudar Regulation foresees three separate powers: legislative, executive and judicial power. 17. The Parliament, exercising the legislative power, is composed by people delegates elected every 5 years. They are 100 delegates and they meet every day since the sunrise till the sunset, in order to write and update the necessary laws. 18. The Civilisation states the maximum number of possible laws: 300. 19. Every law, before its promulgation, must be published on the planet net, so all people can read it. 20. Each law can be divided into a maximum of 50 items. 21. Each item must be written in a clear Saudaric language and can't contain more than 200 words. 22. Evry law is identified by a number, from 1 to 300, and by a title containing non more than 20 words. 23. At least 2 days before the promulgation, every law must be translated into a form good for a computer process and added to the data-base of the Central Saudar Informatic System, in order to avoid any wrong interpretation. 24. No law can contradict this Constitution. If that could happen an automatic processing should reject such a law and invalidate it. 25. The Government, exercising the executive power, is composed by Ministers and must care that all people abide by the laws, aided by the law clearness and by the possibility to access the central data-base. A proper software product will address and correct the Government actions. 26. The Magistracy, exercising the judicial power, is composed by some law experts charged to resolve the controversies, investigate on crimens and punish the criminals. They are aided by the law clearness and by the possibility to access the central data-base. A proper software product will address and correct the Magistracy actions. 27. All harmful and useless honours as President, Honourable, Director, Doctor, Notary, Lawyer, Excellency, Corporal, Family doctor, Knight, Garbage collector, Fruiterer, Restorer, are abolished. A complete list will be published in the completion law. 28. Manufacturing, using and distribution of dangerous objects as arms, drug, money, credit cards, lighters, placards, loud-speakers, is forbidden. A complete list will be published in the completion law. 29. Since the Saudar People rejects the war and has very much other things to do, he considers unnecessary to maintain an army. Only if some far 'intelligent' species could have the stupid idea to aggress our planet, the People should organize his army to defend himself. |